The Strategy had already been published in June 2022 together with the National Program for Waste Management. The time frame of the measures goes from the last quarter of 2022 to the end of 2026, the deadline by which all investments and reforms of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will be completed.

The desire to initiate change becomes increasingly concrete with the approval of timelines and strategies to advance towards the complete circularity of the economy. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has approved a timetable with the aim of ensuring the country has an already planned path through indications of timing and details relating to the plans already foreseen in the National Strategy for the Circular Economy.

The MiTE defines the decree schemes for the establishment of extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems for “circular” strategic supply chains such as the textile and plastic sectors not intended for packaging. Regarding the ‘end of waste’, between the first and fourth quarter of 2023, the Ministry writes, the issuing of national decrees with the criteria for the cessation of waste qualification will be accelerated. Following the timing dictated by the program, the Ministry will issue decrees on sweeping soil, mixed plastics, textiles and batteries and accumulators. Furthermore, the regulation for the simplified authorization for preparing for reuse is expected to be adopted by the end of 2023.

Among the deadlines to be respected we find the commitment to transmit the draft ministerial decree which defines the regulation of the national electronic waste traceability register (Rentri). Other points to be respected according to the program include the identification of environmentally harmful subsidies that pose an obstacle to the implementation of the Circular Economy Strategy. By the end of the year, the aim is to complete the process for the approval of the ministerial decrees which will establish the rules of the system and introduce the new digital models of the loading and unloading registers and waste identification forms.

The governance of the strategy has been entrusted to the Observatory for the Circular Economy which has the task of monitoring, defining and identifying the steps and targets during the application of the Strategy and of updating the timetable. The report on the implementation of the Strategy will be updated annually and publicly accessible on the MiTE institutional website.

The transition towards the circular economy does not take place only through regulations and decrees, but is encouraged by the progress of financial incentive projects and schemes, the simplification of business networks with circular purposes, the regeneration of brown areas in circular eco-districts with a view to symbiosis industrial. For this reason, MiTE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development, declares its commitment to also focus on technical support systems for regulations.

The approval of programs whose objective is the complete transformation of the economy into a circular system shows how every type of commitment, on the part of consumers, companies, producers and institutions. Navigating European and local regulations does not represent an obstacle if supported by sector professionals like Interzero: with our commitment to supporting companies we act in the interests of the environment and the transition towards the circular economy.